Why should I care about my metabolic rate?
The metabolic rate is an important factor if you want to loose weight. Metabolism is the process where your body converts what your eat and drink into energy. It can be divided in two categories:
- Catabolism: the breakdown of molecules to obtain energy (breaking down molecules)
- Anabolism: the synthesis of all compounds needed by the cells (building up molecules)
A higher metabolic rate is beneficial because it increases the number of calories we burn over time.
Many people think that heavy people have a slower metabolic rate that skinny people. This is not true. In fact, in general, how heavier you are, the higher you metabolic rate because a heavier body requires more energy during physical movement. When you loose weight, your metabolic rate will slow down.
Your metabolic rate is determined by several factors, among others:
- Muscle mass: muscles use more energy than any other body tissue
- Age: young cells renew more often which requires energy
- Length: tall persons require more energy to keep their body warm
- Hormons: several hormons influence the metabolic rate
However, you can exercise some influence on your metabolic rate.
- Create more muscle mass! The muscles in your body will require more energy than any other tissue in your body, even when you are not working out. Even when you are sleeping you will burn more calories than a person with lass muscle mass. :)
- Eat regularly and eat food with a low glycemic index (complex carbs) and high in fiber! These foods require relatively more effort from your body to digest than foods like simple carbs without any fiber. Your body will use more energy to digest. Eating regularly ensures your metabolism is working continuously and keeps on burning energy.
- Move! Physical exercise will burn calories. Whether it is a long easy walk on the beach or a heavy bootcap workout with intervals, you will burn those calories!
- Sleep! Try to get at least seven hours of sleep each night. Your energy and activity levels are higher when you slept well, increasing your metabolic rate.
- Herbs like chili powder and cayenne peppers can increase your metabolic rate. These herbs increases the release of, among others, adrenaline which stimulates the metabolism and increases calorie burn.
- Drink green tea. Several studies show that drinking green results in burning an extra 70-100 calories a day because of the antioxidants in the tea.
Do keep in in mind that although your metabolism influences your body's basic energy needs, ultimately it is your total caloric intake and physical activity that determines wether you gain or loose weight!
Work hard and get your metabolism on fire! |
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